Big Bad Blog

2015 - More good than we've ever done before!

Nov 5, 2015
Thank you for supporting Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Your generosity gives us the financial independence we need to provide emergency medical care to men, women, and children in nearly 70 countries around the world.

Big Bad Con - Becoming More Accessible

Sep 25, 2015
Elsa S HenryThe Wolf had the delightful treat at Gencon of meeting Elsa S Henry (@snarkbat) and talking about both the Fate Accessibility project, and improving accessibility for people with disabilities at Big Bad Con.

In memory of Richard Taylor

Sep 18, 2015
1655658_10152889629656661_8885726089387596555_oUnsurprisingly I met Rich in a convention game he was running. It was Conquest, back when it was at the Elk's Lodge. I also met Mike Bogan in that game, and, as appropriate to a Buffy game spoofing the 80s Brat Pack movies (the game was "Better off Undead") we had hilarious hi-jinks together.

Badges sold out

Sep 15, 2015
Hard to imagine but The Wolf, Little Red, and Grandma's house are all filled up.

Illustration of Little Red

Little Red Event Manager is down! Booking and forms are not available.