Big Bad Blog

Big Bad Con has two issues that I would like to improve!

Mar 14, 2014
Doctors Without Borders1. Donations raised for Doctors Without Borders. Much as I keep costs low and raise additional income (dealers room, sponsoring from Evil Hat, t-shirt sales, Crowdrise fundraising for the Wolf Chase), the con only raised about $500 last year. While I planned to split the proceeds between DWB and seed money for the next year's con, the amount was less than I hoped, so I gave the full amount to DWB.

Big Bad Lodging (update 9/13/2013)

Sep 13, 2013
Grandma's HouseWe have rooms! Fifteen (15) rooms have been added to the block! As expected they don't have the full con discount, but they are still lower than the standard hotel rate. Enough so you can afford to buy the The Wolf a drink or two!

Illustration of Little Red

Little Red Event Manager is down! Booking and forms are not available.