Big Bad Blog

Game Design Seminar Over Drinks

Aug 26, 2011
Ryan Macklin and Leonard Balsera from Evil HatWhen: Saturday, 10pm on. Where: The hotel bar. Who: Leonard Balsera & Ryan Macklin from Evil Hat Productions Length: As long as the bar's open. Maybe longer.

What time should The Wolf expect you?

Aug 17, 2011
The Wolf is hard at work scheduling games for Big Bad Con. So he doesn't schedule too many before you arrive on Friday, let him know when you'll show up!

The Baddest Judges in Town

Aug 10, 2011
Big Bad Con is coming up soon and with it will be the biggest GM show down this side of the Black Forest!

That's Dr. Wolf to you

May 25, 2011
The Wolf is putting on his stethoscope to do some good in the world.  He feels guilty after all the houses he's blown down and grandmothers he has eaten.

Way of The Wolf

May 18, 2011
Signing up for events is a ways off still, but when we get there, this is how signs ups are going to go down.

Illustration of Little Red

Little Red Event Manager is down! Booking and forms are not available.