Art Lesbians of Capri

Lisa Sindorf
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Art Lesbians of Capri
Date: Oct 26
11:00am (duration 2:00)
Room: 2110 (40)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
Characters: Created at the table
It is the 1920s, and you are an outrageously eccentric artist of a "certain persuasion."

The Mediterranean island of Capri is a haven for unconventional creativity and queer lifestyles. Scholars of the classics mingle with more applied fans of "Greek Love." In the salons and cafes, surrealists in monocles and social realist agitators debate the True Definition of Art. Will your grotesque performance piece featuring 20 lobsters work as a compelling flirtation technique? Could your portrait of a woman with one bare shoulder start a riot? Just how scathing a review can you withstand before you have to flee to Paris?

This is a rules-light game with improv tendencies. You will choose from a set of playbooks depicting different artistic alignments (Futurist, Neoclassical, Dada, etc.) and set loose to find inspiration, create your art, and wield critique in service of your own chaotic agenda. With any luck, you"ll be the subject of a historical podcast in a hundred years" time.

While this game centers queer women and their art, players of all genders and sexualities are welcome. Writing/drawing is a main part of gameplay.
Content Advisory!
Flirtation, romance, and sex are opt-in possibilities. While lighthearted, you are an oppressed sexual minority during a period of normalized homophobia. Also, it being early 1920s Italy, there is also Incipient fascism.

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 26
11:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 4

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