I FINALLY Woke Up In Another World and This JERK Is Trying To Take Over?!?!

Lily Eisner
  • RPG
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians (PbtA)
Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Room: Atrium (44)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy, Script Change
Characters: Created at the table
You are a player of the immensely popular sci-fantasy MMO, Starbound Echoes. Maybe you're a streamer making content with the game, a 9-to-5'er looking for some escape, a beta tester or quality assurance specialist for the devs, or someone else seeking something in the digital space. Whatever your reason, you play. Like anyone else, you've had dreams, thoughts, what it would be like to truly be in this world. Be your character, live here, flirt with that cute person you saw on that last quest. That would be impossible though... right?

One day you wake in a space you don't recognize, a bed not your own. You feel different, look different. Getting a glance, you see it, the ideal version of you that you created for the game. It happened! You're here! But wait, who the heck is this Umbra General trying to claim they're in charge now?

This is a flipped take on the countless generic isekai animes that exist where some boring dude suddenly becomes super powerful after waking up in a fantasy world and gets a harem of conventionally attractive women and gets to rule the land and make lots of problematic choices about how things go.

This time, the boring dude from Heteronormia doesn't get to win, we do!
Content Advisory!
Potential for characters to flirt and seduce NPCs, enemies and friendlies alike

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5

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