John Carter of Mars: Mind Merchants of Mars

Yeldar Zhurgenov
  • All Ages
  • RPG
System: John Carter of Mars (2d20)
Date: Oct 25
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Room: Boardroom I (1)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
Characters: Provided
Barsoom is dying. Despite the struggles of its people, their world hurtles inexorably toward its terminus. Such conditions breed harsh weather and harsher men and women. Yet, unlike the desperate nations of our Earth (Jasoom), in those dire and testing circumstances, a majority of Barsoomians cleave to honor rather than raw savagery.

Ah, but there is savagery. Wide gulfs exist between those living in the towering spindles of Helium and those eking out an existence in oppressive slums and dangerous wastes, where the wise go heavily armed, and slavery is routine. It is in these deplorable latter conditions that the player characters begin their first venture into this beautiful but deadly landscape.

As we begin our adventure, the fearsome green Martians known as the Warhoon capture the player character heroes and force them to fight for sport and amusement in their legendary pits. There is not a moment's breath to worry over death, for even now, the characters are pushed out of their pens into the stark Barsoomian sun.
Content Advisory!
Themes of violence and death, weapons, slavery, forced gladiator fighting, fantasy racism

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 25
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5

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