Object Impermanence: A Game Jam

Poorna M
  • Workshop
System: Workshop
Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 2:00)
Room: Boardroom III (3)
Spaces: 20
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Game design, puns and making new friends - a few of my favourite things!

If you've never designed a mini-TTRPG before,
If you've written hundreds of pages of lore and mechanics but have yet to make a game purely to give in to the silliness (or haven't in a long while),
If you want to design a game with someone you've never hung out with before,

Come join in the game jam!

So many of us have been excited about buying new games only to find shipping fees prohibitive. Or we've wanted to create a new game but manufacturing is so overwhelming that we watch 9 seasons of something before thinking about it again.

Instead, what if we turn this idea on its head - and create minigames using only that which is already within our grasp?

All you need to bring for this game jam - is a photo of something you have at home (an object. As mundane or as eccentric as you'd like).

And before you know it, you'll have a game to show your new Big Bad besties.

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 20

Attendee/Player List

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This is an 18+ only event. Teens are only allowed in All Ages events.
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Illustration of Little Red

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