James Quigley
  • All Ages
  • Playtest
  • RPG
Date: Oct 26
8:00pm (duration 1:00)
Room: 2111 (41)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils
Characters: Created at the table
You are the first group of heroes that have reached the Evil that besets the realm. The quest was difficult, and full of sacrifice. But despite all this, victory will not meet you. However, the heroes who come after you may still have a chance, provided you can pave the way. Fight the Evil and recount the realm as it fell under the Evil's reign. Discover its weaknesses and preserve the knowledge you've gained for the next heroes before you perish.

You will fall, but you are not The End.

PREQUEL is a simultaneous tactical and worldbuilding tabletop roleplaying game of heroic sacrifice for 3-5 players, combining elements of LUMEN system games with the worldbuilding framework of games like Microscope. One player takes on the role of the Game Master (GM), while the rest are Heroes of a realm under siege by an Evil. Players fight the Evil as Heroes and build the realm and quest through flashbacks while the GM fights back as the Evil and recounts how the realm is put in jeopardy.

PREQUEL is designed to be played in a single session and can serve as a one-shot, or as the name suggests, an introduction to a longer campaign that sets the stage of the enemy of the campaign. When you are done playing, you will have told a story of Heroes who gave up everything for the small chance of a victory they will never see.

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 26
8:00pm (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 4

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